A Facebook meme says, “We work to live, not to die. Take a break when you feel you need it,” speaks true to all professions. Some take part time jobs but receiving high compensation and there are some who are in full time jobs but being underpaid. Even in our profession as teachers, we need […]
Organizing well the documents in a portfolio based on assigned tools is another challenge. I hope I will be able to give hints to our dear co-teachers on how to prepare the documents and how to be creative in organizing the RPMS portfolio. Download the resources here.
UPDATED for SY 2019-2020 – The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – Human Resource Development Division of the Department of Education has just released the updated Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) – Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) for teachers and school heads.
Even the internet has made easier than to disprove hearsay, there is still a lot of disinformation that goes viral due to famous social media sharing as part of services of different social media accounts. Thanks to the people working around checking reliability and credibility of news that spread on the internet.
I am sharing below the soft copy of the E-SAT which I believe, helpful for those who are still searching for this format. Direction on how to use it is included in the folder shared here. This copy is not my personal file, but I’m putting them here for you.
Automated Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) 2018 Downloadable for Free.
The Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers and School Heads has been uploaded and shared previously on this same site, together with the twelve Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Resource Package Modules, and now the the Excel format of the IPCRF 2018 that features the automated calculations for the Rating, Average, Score and Rating for Overall Accomplishment.
Reminders are given through DepEd Orders, specifically the DO number 11, series of 2018, known as “Guidelines on the Checking and Preparation of the School Forms,” and DO number 58, series of 2017, known as “Adoption of New School Forms for Kindergarten, Senior High School, Alternative Learning System, Health and Nutrition and Standardization of Permanent Records.”
The guide how to use the RPMS Tools for Teachers from Portfolio preparation to assessment has been circulated on the internet especially in different social networks in order to disseminate the latest information on how to improve teachers’ quality of teaching and learning process. Enhancing teacher quality ranks foremost in the many educational reform efforts toward quality education (RPMS Manual for Teachers and School Heads, 2018).
Secretary Briones of the Department of Education has released the school calendar for the academic year 2018 – 2019 thru a DepEd Order number 25, series of 2018.
The school year shall formally commence on June 4, 2018, Monday and shall end on April 5, 2019, Friday. There will be a total of 208 school days inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training for teachers and Parents-Teachers Conferences.
Teachers can now avail credit units through trainings and programs to be conducted by DepEd Offices for free of charge, given that the training designs are submitted to NEAP for endorsement and pre-evaluations to be conducted by the PRC 45 days before the training proper.