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Preparing the School Form 9 Known as Learner’s Progress Report Card

A lot of DepEd teachers with advisories are having difficulties in preparing their Progress Report Card, formerly known as Form 138. But with the continuous effort of the Department to lessen the confusion and burden of school teachers, reminders are given through DepEd Orders, specifically the DO number 11, series of 2018, known as “Guidelines on the Checking and Preparation of the School Forms,” and DO number 58, series of 2017, known as “Adoption of New School Forms for Kindergarten, Senior High School, Alternative Learning System, Health and Nutrition and Standardization of Permanent Records.”

Please take note in preparing SF9 Progress Report Card for all Grade level except Kinder:

  1. Rename the Form from Form 138 to SF9 Progress Report Card (DO 58, 2017);
  2. The content and format as prescribed by DO 8, 2015 (DO 58, 2017); and,
  3. Learner’s Name should be written the way it was generated in the SF5 (from LIS). (DO11, 2018)

I hope this short reminder helps.

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  1. if i may ask, when do we fill in ‘certificate of transfer” in deped SF9? what is it for? do we need to fill it up if our learner is graduating? thanks po!

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