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DepEd Distributes SIM Cards Loaded with 34GB Monthly Load to Teachers

The Department of Education's Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) through the Information and Communications Technology Service – Technology Infrastructure Division (ICTS-TID), will be releasing Smart Communications sim cards for all teaching and non-teaching personnel. The sim cards and connectivity load will be activated with an initial 34GB load, which will be usable for one year, to ensure efficiency in communication and unhampered delivery of services in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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DepEd e-IPCRF and e-SAT Consolidation Tool for SY 2020-2021 Now Ready for Download

The Department of Education's Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – Human Resource and Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) has released the updated electronic –Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (e-IPCRF) and electronic – Self-Assessment Tool (e-SAT) Consolidation Tool for School Year SY 2020-2021.
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The Individual Performance Commitment User Guide and Review Form (IPCRF) Data Collection System for S.Y. 2019-2020

The electronic IPCRF form was developed to facilitate the collection and consolidation of IPCRF data of teachers across governance levels. This Manual guides School Heads and teachers in the use of these forms and the process of collection and consolidation of teachers’ IPCRF data. The link contains the following: Department Memo Updates on the Results-based Performance Management System for School Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1-4 SY 2019-2020 in a ZIP file Human Resource Development Division Data Privacy Act Disclaimer, and Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) Data Collection User Guide for SY 2019-2020
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DepEd Releases School Year 2020-2021 School Calendar

DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones signed the DepEd Order No. 007, series of 2020, known as the "School Calendar And Activities for School Year 2020-2021."  The COVID-19 outbreak which greatly affected the education system has yet to be contained and this is the great challenge the stakeholders and learners are facing right now, as well as thousands of teachers waiting for the department's decision.
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