There is always a reason why meditation is important and being practiced in many cultures – because of its unlimited benefits. Meditation has effects many aspects – physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual areas. You might ask, “is it really worth it for me to meditate?” The answer is definitely, “yes.” Meditate to sharpen your […]
The Secretary of the Department of Education, Leonor Magtolis Briones just issued the Department Order No. 25, series of 2017, known as the Deped School Calendar for School Year 2017-2018. “The School Year 2017-2018 shall formally open on Monday, June 5, 2017 and shall end on Friday, April 6, 2018. It shall consist of 204 […]
At the age of 36, I tend to be responsible for other people especially the young. This made me reflect on “generativity.” This is significant to the life I chose, that I am concerned and committed to promote others’ well-being. As an adult who continually long for self-fulfillment, I feel responsible not only of myself but also […]
Before I answer the previous questions on what are the types of Meditation, I would like to discuss first the typical meaning of meditation. Most 21st century young people may think that meditation is an exotic practice of mystics, religious, yogis and “weird” people. I asked my students regarding this practice and they can’t even […]
An online teaching portfolio of Teacher Vince, showcasing open source learning … The Department of Education has released the DepEd Order Number 69, … is Provision of the Deped Electronic Record and Form 137 for Senior High School. … Below, I have provided the two templates in PDF that can be …
Positive discipline was mentioned on my previous article which I promised to post regularly. It is intended to promote positive discipline in the classroom as one way of facilitating and managing the class. As a teacher, I find it necessary to engage oneself into positive discipline. Corporal punishment is not effective anymore, thus it must […]
Following the link given below, you’ll find different resources for K to 12 Curriculum Guides, Teaching Guides and Learning Materials you can download. These are the same materials being distributed by the Department of Education’s LRMDS. Visit this webpage for updates. Please find time to browse the folders. For comments and suggestions, drop your message […]
From now on, I would like to introduce and promote ways how to effectively implement positive discipline in the classroom as one of the transformative ways of holistic learning instead of imposing corporal punishment. Long ago, corporal punishment is used to manage pupils and students until studies revealed more effective ways to transform them, helping […]
Don’t rush, just go and live in the present moment – the mantra I have been repeating to myself while running around 100 kph on solo ride with my motorcycle as I was heading to my destination, the lighthouses of Cape San Agustin in Lavigan, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental from October 29 to 31, 2016. […]
October 21, 2016 – This week is MPRE Week or Mid-Year Program and Evaluation Week for all Department of Education School Personnel. But few days before that, the school head of Gapok National High School decided to have the In-Service Training (INSET) for his teaching and non-teaching personnel in which I gladly accepted his invitation […]