The Bureau of Learning Delivery under the office of the DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones releases the DepEd Order number 12, series of 2021, known as Amendment to DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2020.
Professional Regulation Commission informs the public that the March 28, 2021 LEPT has been rescheduled to September 26, 2021.
The Department of Education gives the following important dates to remember for the holiday season break for all public schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in the whole country. Last day of classes for Quarter 1 12 December 2020 In-Service Training (INSET) Week14-19 December 2020 Holiday break19 December 2020 to 3 January 2021 Resumption of […]
This short video gives simple rules for the students to follow during their virtual class. Let’s make use of it to orient our learners on the Rules of the Virtual Classroom.
The newly added features to Google classroom since August this year. Google does this from time to time and we are happy to use them for our planned online classes while we are experiencing the challenges in delivering and facilitating learning to our learners.
August 3, 2020, marks the start of the uploading of teachers’ electronic Individual Performance Commitment User Guide and Review Form file in the Data Submission System. This uploading ends by the 3rd week of August 2020, per DM-OUPHRODFO-2020-00199. Let us encourage the schools to upload as early as possible.
The electronic IPCRF form was developed to facilitate the collection and consolidation of IPCRF data of teachers across governance levels. This Manual guides School Heads and teachers in the use of these forms and the process of collection and consolidation of teachers’ IPCRF data.
The link contains the following:
Department Memo Updates on the Results-based Performance Management System for School Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1-4 SY 2019-2020 in a ZIP file
Human Resource Development Division Data Privacy Act Disclaimer, and
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) Data Collection User Guide for SY 2019-2020
The MELC or Most Essential Learning Competencies that contains K12 MELCS with CG Codes and MELCS Guidelines.
One can access these at
Everybody’s encouraged to use it as part of our preparation for the opening of classes.
DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones signed the DepEd Order No. 007, series of 2020, known as the “School Calendar And Activities for School Year 2020-2021.” The COVID-19 outbreak which greatly affected the education system has yet to be contained and this is the great challenge the stakeholders and learners are facing right now, as well as thousands of teachers waiting for the department’s decision.
Just as of yesterday, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world with more than 42,000 deaths, with over 860,000 infected people and less than 180,000 people recovered from the disease. Here in the Philippines where enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) is being implemented, has recorded 2,633 confirmed cases, with 107 deaths, and 51 recovered cases from the disease.