Secretary Briones of the Department of Education has released the school calendar for the academic year 2018 – 2019 thru a DepEd Order number 25, series of 2018.
The school year shall formally commence on June 4, 2018, Monday and shall end on April 5, 2019, Friday. There will be a total of 208 school days inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training for teachers and Parents-Teachers Conferences.
Those activities became part of the Mount Apo’s boulder face adventure; the interaction and moments of laughter made the trek more meaningful. For the duration of the 3-day trek, I can’t say any regret. I am more thankful and grateful for the people who helped me realize this goal: reaching the Mount Apo summit thru the boulder face.
From my first mountaineering experience of mastering Mount Matutum last December 2017, I am inspired to seriously add more physical activities to my new year’s resolution; keeping it as an inspiration to start climbing mountains. Sounds theological – mountain is a symbol where the divine dwells. Abraham brought his son Isaac on a mountain to […]
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Teachers can now avail credit units through trainings and programs to be conducted by DepEd Offices for free of charge, given that the training designs are submitted to NEAP for endorsement and pre-evaluations to be conducted by the PRC 45 days before the training proper.
According to the Department, “this policy institutes new forms to be used in schools and other institutions delivering basic education, particularly Kindergarten, SHS, and ALS, and standardizes the forms for the learners’ Health and Nutrition, and Permanent Records.
The new, standardised forms shall be used in all public schools and ALS Community Learning Centers starting SY 2017-2018. Private schools, state and local colleges and universities as well as other higher educational institutions offering basic education are enjoyed to adopt the said forms.”
Are you a teacher and has ample time to do other tasks aside from lesson planning, checking students’ outputs, doing a lot of reading either for personal or professional development and many other things? You’ve got to understand that with proper time management, you can still earn extra income by spending time on the internet instead of infinitely browsing and scrolling boringly on your social network accounts without benefits.
A circle of friends recently asked me to facilitate a sort of retreat last December 22-23, 2017, in which I accepted as a challenge. The Divine Mercy Shrine in Lake Sebu was a conducive venue for retreatants who want solitude and silence. With my own experience of different retreats for small and big groups of […]
Mount Matutum – the highest point in South Cotabato, is situated more than 5 kilometers from Acmonan, Tupi, South Cotabato, Philippines. It is an active volcano with an elevation of 2,286 meters above sea level. The name Matutum is taken from the native Blaa’n words “Amyak maleh” that means, “climb and plant.”
The DO 55, section 47, states that “in no case shall the deductions reduce the employee’s monthly net take home pay to an amount lower than Four Thousand Pesos (P4,000).”