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Five Ways of Finding Everyday Zen

A circle of friends recently asked me to facilitate a sort of retreat last December 22-23, 2017, in which I accepted as a challenge. The Divine Mercy Shrine in Lake Sebu was a conducive venue for retreatants who want solitude and silence. With my own experience of different retreats for small and big groups of people, I strongly recommend the Zen Retreat.

My first experience of Zen Retreat wayback in 2013 together with the monks and nuns from the Plum Village, Hong Kong, was an unforgettable one. From then, I am inclined to share what I have learned from the sisters and brothers of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, the “global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace.”

From the Zen retreat I attended at Lake Caliraya, Laguna, here are the five ways of finding one’s everyday Zen:

  1. Be mindful of the task on hand. Taking one task at a time will help oneself focus on the task that needs to be done. Being aware of what you are doing, you will be able to practice the principle of zen; it is simply slowing down and one must not be always in a hurry.
  2. Be always in the NOW. By simply noticing ones breathing, you will be able to meditate and mindful of what is happening in and out of yourself.
  3. Find rest. Our body is not a machine that always work all the time. Our body need to rest also. Our mind plays and important role as it determines the actions of the body. Making one’s mind be in the present moment, you will be able to listen to your body’s need to rest.
  4. Simplify. Not complicating things, one will be able to focus on what is in the present moment. This would help one to be mindful of what’s on hand. it is also synonymous to de-cluttering. If the mind is free of clutters, it will reflect on one’s surroundings.
  5. Lastly, let go. One can attain inner peace and silence when one is able to let go. Detachment from material things, ideas and even relationships will help one to let go of the things that make us suffer. Letting go is also a simple meditation that gives wellness to one’s being.

If you have more ideas to share on how to find Zen in everyday chaotic life, please leave your comments below.

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