Professional Teacher
UPDATED for SY 2019-2020 – The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – Human Resource Development Division of the Department of Education has just released the updated Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) – Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) for teachers and school heads.
I am sharing below the soft copy of the E-SAT which I believe, helpful for those who are still searching for this format. Direction on how to use it is included in the folder shared here. This copy is not my personal file, but I’m putting them here for you.
One of the problems of Professional Teachers is the hassle, effort and time-consuming process of renewing PRC ID license with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) every three years. I am one of the teachers, who every three years, visit the PRC office for the renewal of such license. One has to go through a process […]