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Five Things You Need to Know About the Philippine National ID

The National ID Law system has been signed into law by President Duterte in August 2018 to streamline the National Identification (ID) system to suppress corruption and to improve government services among others. This coming September, the pilot testing commences. 

The National ID System

The law enacted serves as a centralized identification system, also called as Philsys, of every Filipino individual. It’s a unified ID card that can be used as proof of identification that can be used for all public and private transactions. Filipino citizens, both here and abroad will be required to register once this system is implemented.

A Filipino individual shall declare his or her name according to his or her birth certificate that includes a photo, the gender, the blood type, and signature. This tampered-free pvc with a unique serial number that serves as the  Philsys Number (PSN) to be issued by the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) will be housing a smart chip that contains important  information like biometrics, iris scan, facial image reception code, and other informationa associated with other government-issued credentials.

Eligibility to Get an ID

All Filipino citizens are automatically eligible to get a National ID, even those who are abroad (Overseas Filipino Workers, dual citizens residing in another countries).

Privacy and Confidentiality of Data

Citizens expressed concerns about the safety of vital information from data leaks and security leaks. However, the committee chairperson Sol Aragones, assures the public that only the PSA will have the access to the information. The Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), and the National Privacy Commission will be implementing security measures to ensure safekeeping of data.

Benefits of the National ID System

The ID system is to streamline cheaper, faster and efficient transactions of government-related ID transactions. With a single ID, every individual carries with him or her vital and essential data. With unified ID, every transaction will be efficient and automated and faster verification that comes together with the implementation of the Philsys.

Applying for National ID

The procedure for the registration will follow the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act No. 11055 or the Philippine Identification System Act by downloading the  application form to be provided by the PSA and submit all required documents:

  • Birth Certificate issued by PSA;
  • Valid Philippine passport;
  • a government-issued ID; and,
  • other equivalent documents required by the PSA

Once the registration commences, one may visit any of the following government offices for registration:

  • Regional and provincial offices of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
  • Commission on Elections (COMELEC) 
  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
  • Social Security System (SSS)
  • Postal office (under PHL Post or Philippine Postal Corporation)
  • Civil Registry Office (LCRO)
  • Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth)
  • Pag-IBIG or Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)
  • Other government agencies or GOCCs as may be assigned by the PSA.

Are you now ready for the Philippine ID System? Tell us about what you feel about it. Please leave your comments below.

Photo credit to PSA

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