Download your copy now at by typing “PPST” at the site’s search bar, and hitting Enter. Go to “Resources” and choose Professional Development. Make sure you log in using your DepEd-provided email address to log in to your Learning Resource Portal account.
Finally, you may now download the automated Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) encoding sheets in Excel format. Choose the file you may need from this Google Drive. Please be reminded that these files were not included in the HROD Google Drive but can be helpful to accomplish our School Year 2021-2022 IPCRF.
Department of Education MEMORANDUM Number 004, series of 2022, “Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System – Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers for School Year 2021-2022,” guides us on “the Establishment and implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education pursuant to Section 5 of DO 42, s. 2o17 on […]
The LUNDUYAN SA KAHUSAYAN program indeed becomes a significant platform for the excellence of learning. It has become a center of excellence proven by the facilitators and enthusiastic learners during the series of online sessions. it is one way of responding to the needs of 21st-century teachers who seek personal growth and professional development as their response to the new normal in education.
The teachers’ willingness to upgrade their capabilities and skills towards 21st-century learning is a first step for the school to enhance the delivery of quality education and innovative and creative approach in providing to learners’ needs.
During my second year of college at Notre Dame of Marbel University, I personally sent a letter about my learning and insights after reading Howard Gardner’s book on Multiple Intelligences. I didn’t expect a response to my letter but to my surprise, the author himself sent me a handwritten reply with a couple of books about Multiple Intelligences.
You must be an educator who’s thinking about how to improve your teaching skills for 21st-century learners. We, as educators, strive to become better and perfect the art of quality teaching. This necessitates the study of teaching methods. One of our goals is to develop critical thinking skills in learners.
Most educators find it difficult to implement thinking skills to learners who are used to traditional and passive teaching approaches. One must familiarize with the thinking culture before successfully implementing thinking skills in the classroom.
Microsoft Windows 11 is now downloadable for FREE for all public school learners and install them to your capable Windows-based PCs and laptops. You can now use them for free as long as you have the DepEd-issued email address through your School ICT Coordinators.
In reference to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 15, s. 2021 on the Adoption of the Revised 2021 “Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan” and as part of the 121st Philippine Civil Service Anniversary, all Schools Division personnel are informed and introduced to the Revised 2021 Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan.