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TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive

Online enrollment is now open and going on to earn fifteen (15) CPD credits by attending the distant learning “TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive,” a FREE online course developed by SEAMEO INNOTECH. Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that aims to inspire, rekindle and sustain teacher’s passion for teaching, a fully online course that caters teachers’ professional development. All teachers may enroll, no screening process and no nomination required.

You can open this link on how to create an account and enrol yourself for the online course: How to Enroll in the Course by opening the KEEP website The course, Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive can be accessed through the KEEP (Knowledge and Education Exchange) Platform. Therefore, one must  open an account to access the KEEP (Knowledge and Education Exchange) Platform.

“Since the course will begin on August 22, 2019, you will not have any access to the contents yet before that date. You will begin to have access to the course contents on August 22, 2019. In the meantime, this is what you will see when you log in before the course starts.” ( How to Enroll in the Course)

This is self-paced course and you can manage your time in going through the course activities A sample self-study plan will be emailed before the course begins.

“SEAMEO INNOTECH is the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology. SEAMEO, the umbrella organization is an intergovernmental organization between Southeast Asian countries formed to promote cooperation in education, science and culture. INNOTECH is one of 24 SEAMEO Centers scattered throughout Southeast Asia dedicated to the identification of common and unique education problems and needs of Southeast Asian countries and development of innovative and technology-based solutions to address these needs.” (TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive Facebook Page)

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