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Netiquette Guidelines Online Learners Need to Know

Do you attend online class? How do you behave?

Here are several tips to be a good learner during online class.

Don’t you want to impress your teacher and classmates?

First, Greet everyone! Make it a habit to greet everybody before you present your agenda or ask questions.

Second, Show respect! Showing respect begets respect. You will receive the same when it’s your turn to speak or ask questions.

Third, Do back-reading!

Announcements and important matters may have been posted earlier. This will avoid repeated questions and clarifications. Doing so, will help everybody to move on to the next activities smoothly.

Fourth, Ask Questions or clarifications! Asking questions and clarifications in the name of learning is never a mortal sin. Ask and you shall be answered.

Fifth, Focus! Stay on track, talk about the topic, and never chat your teacher about anything specially during night times.

And lastly, participate! Reacting to your teacher’s announcements by liking is just one way to show that you understand the statements. How much more if you put a heart to it.

Do you agree to these simple tips? I hope you learned something from today’s post.

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