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Get Up and Ride to a Higher Ground

From school’s hustle and bustle, it’s time again to have a break! I’ll get up and gonna go for a ride to a higher ground again this time. It will be a good break from my SKSU Saturday classes.

I’ve been to different solo rides in neighboring provinces like Lebak, North and South Upi in Sultan Kudarat, Sanchez peak and few times in Kidapawan City. But this time, it will just be around an hour ride from my home place.

It will be this coming 22nd and I can’t wait for it.

The destination? It’s Leyson Park’s Katkat Nopol Year 3.

About the place, you can read more about it at their Facebook page. The details are there for you to read.

I’ll blog more about it later… with more photos and reflections!

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