Arts & Entertainment
It is only then that you learn to appreciate, in fact, the beauty that is so very special in every individual, when you realize beauty is not confined to one standard, but a kaleidoscope of individual expressions. The reason being, society has long forced a narrow definition of what beauty is and often confused it […]
As DepEd campaigns for “Sulong EduKalidad, DepEd has produced a music video which highlights the department’s introduced reforms. The music video entitled “Isang Pangarap” captures the Vision of the Department of Education.
One more day and the festival commences! For your references, the schedule of the whole duration of the festival is posted below. Be updated with the different activities organized and enjoy the various presentations of the delegates coming from different countries. The event is spearheaded by the CIOFF Koronadal Philippines, in partnership with the Local […]
Everybody’s invited to watch and enjoy the Second Pyesta Kolon Datal International Folklore Festival that the city government of Koronadal. Last August 10, 2015, the city government of Koronadal, in participation with CIOFF and UNESCO, in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Department of Tourism and NCCA, the Pyesta Kolon Datal brought to […]
From now on, I would like to introduce and promote ways how to effectively implement positive discipline in the classroom as one of the transformative ways of holistic learning instead of imposing corporal punishment. Long ago, corporal punishment is used to manage pupils and students until studies revealed more effective ways to transform them, helping […]