DepEd Implements Facebook Workplace
- May 10, 2019
- Posted by: Teacher Vince
- Category: Education News People and Society
All permanent DepEd employees, teaching and non-teaching personnel, are now required to create an account at Facebook Workplace using the DepEd email address, according to the advice from the DepEd Central Office for Administration, Undersecretary Alain Pascua. This aims to lessen the burden of all personnel by easy dissemination of information and connect to share ideas. Unlimited groups, messaging, calling and storage
Facebook Workplace is a dedicated and more secured space exclusive for the organization’s employees for collaboration and communication. Most of our teachers now are very familiar with Facebook news feeds, groups, pages, messenger apps, and events to get things easily done on social media. Workplace has been added as a feature for companies and organizations just like what the DepEd is trying to implement.
How to create an account at Facebook Workplace? It’s easy! Follow the steps and you will soon be on the organization’s Workplace right away as long as you have a valid and working DepEd email address accessible on hand.
- Open an internet browser and type the URL at the address bar:
This brings you to the page where you can register your DepEd email address to the DepEd Workplace. - Fill in the Workplace username with your DepEd email address and tick the button “Continue.”
- Once submitted, you will be redirected to the next page, with a heading “Check your inbox!” This requires you to fill it the boxes with 6-digit activation code sent to your DepEd email address to verify that you are really a DepEd employee.
- Check your DepEd email inbox and copy the activation code to the boxes at Workplace tab. You can actually copy the activation codes to the 6 boxes or just tick the button “Activate Account.”
- Once activated, you are now ready to login to DepEd Facebook Workplace by supplying your full name and password to be used, as shown below:
- You are almost done! Wait for the creation of your account and you are now ready to interact with the DepEd employees nationwide who have joined the Workplace by joining Groups and follow other users.
Please take note that this Workplace is solely for DepEd employees. You can follow others and join groups of your interest. Since I’m already with the Workplace, you can search for me “Vincent Celeste” and follow me for more updates on ICT-related topics, educational resources and learning materials, and of course, other stuff about what do I really do aside from classroom teaching.
Next topic I will be discussing will be about the Free Office 365 Accounts for DepEd employees. So please keep in touch, abangan and subscribe to my blog site.
Do you have something in mind to share with us? Please leave your comments below. Thank you and more power!
The new DepEd Facebook Workplace has replaced the old dashboard. Images below:
This is nice,a very welcome development.
Let’s maximize the use of Facebook Workplace.
Hi mr vincent. I would like to ask about fb workplace. Can everyone search my name, even he or she are not member of this workplace?
I mean, can anyone in public (although i need privacy) search me in fb workplace?
Hi Ms Agatha,
Thanks for dropping by
No, only anyone from our department can search for your profile within the DepEd Workplace.
Thanks for the reply, mr vince. . I just had a little worry, why someone asking to get our tin number, plantilla etc.. to accomplish this workplace. Is it safe or required? What requirements need to accomplish this acct.?
2nd question, can anyone from ordinary facebook(not fb workplace) , can search our profile from workplace?
Hi, just follow the tutorial and you are in. May I ask, are you a DepEd personnel?
Hello sir, I just want to know Deped Workplace in not working anymore?
Tinanggal na po ang Facebook Workplace bilang isa sa mga communication platforms na exclusively ginagamit ng DepEd.